Depression Counseling in Culver City

Guiding People in Finding True Joy and Peace through Christian Counseling

Depression is a grave condition that can lead to a decrease in a person’s quality of life. People who are depressed describe their mental and emotional state specifically as feeling like there is a big empty gaping hole in their chest, feeling extremely downhearted and have no motivation to do the things they were previously passionate about. People who are depressed usually seclude themselves, feel mentally and physically drained, have constant body malaise, headaches and exhibit physical sickness.

Most people do not understand depression in that they think it is something that can be easily gotten over by changing their perspective from negative to positive; that it is just a human weakness that one has to overcome by simply controlling their thoughts and emotions. However, depression is a medical condition that requires professional help to be able to get through.

The despondency that a depressed person feels can make him feel as if there is no hope anymore in getting out of depression. Culver City Christian Counseling for depression can help you to get yourself out of the darkness that envelops you and move on to the joy and peace that Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior promises.

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Providing Depression A Chance To Express And Be Understood

Those who are not suffering from depression may find it difficult, even baffling, to grasp the concept of depression and those who are going through it. Sometimes, even with the best intentions, people can be insensitive when they give advice such as “Just get over it!”. To gain a better understanding, here are some statements from people who suffer from depression, describing their feelings:

Depression makes it hard to concentrate on my work. I forget things a lot, like I’m walking in a mental fog, and that makes things difficult. Sometimes I just feel bad and don’t have the energy to do things I used to enjoy.”

“When I’m very depressed, it’s like carrying heavy weights on you at all times. I don’t want to move, I don’t want to eat, all I want to do is curl up in bed and try to block out the sadness and overwhelming feelings of hopelessness.”

“I get very moody sometimes. Little things can make me very irritated, and I cry a lot. I have a hard time turning off negative thoughts, which makes it hard to handle stress throughout the day.”

People often don’t know that they already have clinical depression because they sometimes assume that their fatigue, loss of concentration as well as changes in their appetite may be related to stress or physical sickness. In addition to feeling sad and hopeless, if these are currently what you feel then it’s possible that you have clinical depression. Your assigned counselor at Culver City Christian Counseling will help identify and process your symptoms and lifestyle and rule out any physical illness that may be the root cause so that options for treatment will be narrowed down to those which are specific and appropriate.

The following are symptoms of depression:

  • Not being able to sleep or sleeping excessively
  • Lack of concentration and difficulty in remembering
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Irritable
  • Uninterested in hobbies or not motivated
  • Loss of appetite and/or overeating
  • Body malaise
  • Problems with indigestion
  • Suicidal thoughts

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is best to contact one of our Christian counselors in Culver City. While depression is indeed a real condition, it is also treatable. One need not be ashamed to seek a counselor no matter how seemingly insignificant the symptom may be. Seeking professional help for your depression will definitely help you find ways on how to cope and eventually overcome your condition and lead you to find hope, joy, peace, and strength that God promises.

Causes Of Depression

When going through Christian Counseling for depression at Culver City Christian Counseling, part of it is pinpointing the root causes. By doing so, you will have a better chance of dealing with the issues that are the root causes of your depression.

Usual Causes Of Depression

  • Abuse
  • Medications
  • Conflict
  • Death or Loss
  • Genetics
  • Major events
  • Illness
  • Substance abuse

Comprehending The Impact Of Depression On Your Life And On Your Relationships

Having this medical condition can be very debilitating in all aspects of your life. It ruins sanity, incapacitates you physically, hinders your professional success, causes you to detach from your relationships and even makes you doubt your faith. Sometimes people who have depression are unaware that they have it and feel that their symptoms are normal or part of their personality. With the help of a Christian counselor, you will get to take a closer look at your condition and the bearing it has on your life.

Depression And Relationships

Having depression can be so devastating that a person who is suffering from it can just be completely lost in the darkness. Being in the dark doesn’t help at all when it comes to having healthy relationships in that as a depressed person dealing with others, it will be hard for you to think rationally because the sadness that you feel can just be so domineering mentally and emotionally.

If you are in a romantic relationship, a lack of or low appetite for sex, lack of or loss of zeal in activities you used to enjoy, and feeling insecure can have a bad effect on your relationship with your partner.

Culver Christian Counseling can help you learn how to cope with these symptoms so that you will be able to have a healthy, thriving relationship again with your partner. If, however, your relationship is the thing causing your depression, then you and your partner should consider doing Christian Couples Counseling or Christian Counseling for Marriage.

Depression And Your Job

Depressed people often have a hard time staying at a job. Being depressed will cause you to be unproductive and you will lose your focus, feel tired most of the time and unmotivated to finish tasks. Add to that, that you don’t even want to get out of your bed when you wake up in the morning.

While you may be an expert at what you do, depression will render you unable to perform your tasks and hinder your success. Once you go through Christian counseling, Culver Christian Counselors will assist you in learning how to master your emotions so that you will be able to find the strength, will,and perseverance to succeed at what you do.

Depression And Your Body

While depression is an emotional problem, it can also manifest in your body. This condition causes physiological changes in your brain that can result in other conditions such as heart problems, immune problems, sleep problems and constant body malaise. If you already have a pre-existing condition then it might be worsened.

Falling frequently ill, having joint and muscle pains, shortness of breath, feeling lethargic and feeling tired all the time are signs of clinical depression. Those who have undergone Christian counseling for their depression report feeling much better physically as they have learned how to control their depression.

Depression And Your Mind

The mind of a person is such a wonder that it can either destroy or improve a person’s overall well-being. A depressed person usually has difficulty controlling negative thoughts which tend to spin out of control. When the depression is rooted in life-altering events, the depressed person may fall into obsessively thinking those thoughts to a point that it causes destructive behavior.

If you can relate to this, know that it need not lead to this. There is hope of climbing out of those destructive thoughts. Culver Christian counselors will assist you in gaining control of your thoughts and helping shift your perspective by focusing on how to find joy and peace of mind.

Depression And Faith

If you are depressed, it is no surprise to find yourself doubting God. Because you doubt His very being, you tend to feel alone and hopeless. As cliché as it may sound, God has plans to prosper you and not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future.

Through God’s word and working with professional Christian counselors, complete healing from depression is possible. You will also get to discover and deepen your personal relationship and journey with Jesus Christ.

Christian Counseling As A Means Of Treating Depression

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:17-18

God indeed works in many wondrous ways. He uses Christian counselors to help depressed people find the light again through His word and counseling techniques tailored specifically to each individual. As a faith-based counseling community, our focus is not only on employing counseling techniques but also on prayer and studying the Bible.

While we employ professional counseling techniques, legal medications,and other treatments, Jesus Christ is the bedrock of your recovery from depression. By going through Christian counseling, you will also be able to identify the habits that lead you to become depressed. By pinpointing these triggers, you will be able to develop new and better habits to counter these triggers and respond effectively.

What You Can Benefit From Christian Counseling For Your Depression

The National Institute of Health has reported that 80% of those who sought treatment for depression improved after four to six weeks of counseling or being part of support groups. The specific benefits for undergoing Christian Counseling are as follows:

  • Knowing how to resist negative thoughts and behaviors.
  • Being able to pinpoint the root causes of your depression
  • Being able to find support through faith-based methods as well as proven counseling methods
  • Having a warm and secure environment where one can freely express his or her thoughts, feelings, concerns and hopes for the future.
  • Knowing how to start and maintain healthy relationships.
  • Discovering healthier and productive ways of expressing one’s emotions
  • Being able to find respite from all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual symptoms of depression.

Frequently Asked Questions About Christian Counseling For Depression In Culver City

Similar to a doctor-patient, or lawyer-client relationship, professional Christian counselors are under oath to keep your relationship confidential. However, there are exceptions such as when patients have a high risk of hurting themselves and others, your counselor may reveal that information for security purposes. During your first session, you will be briefed on the legalities such as confidentiality issues.

The duration of counseling does not have a fixed timeline. Every client and situation is unique which also means that progress is different from one patient to another. The counselor will only be able to give an estimation but not a fixed timeline.

Yes, insurance companies do cover for counseling sessions. We will assist you with how to use your insurance benefits for this specific type of need. It is best though to get in touch with your insurance provider and at the same time coordinate with us so you can make an informed decision when finally getting treatment with us.

Culver City Christian counseling makes use of faith-based and evidence-based methods to help people struggling with depression. Christian counselors have different methods of helping you,so we recommend that you go over the profiles of our counselors and see whose methods best fit you. We are glad to entertain more questions that you may have about Christian counseling and happy to assist you to find the right Christian counselor who will work with you.

There Is Hope. Contact Us To Begin Your Road To Healing

If you are feeling hopeless and exhausted from fighting your depression, our Culver Christian counselors are ready to offer you the help you need. Contact us online to schedule your risk-free initial session, or give us a call at (949) 386-7179.

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