Take Every Thought Captive: Dealing with Anxiety
“Stop worrying!” “Chill out!” “Relax!” Have you heard these lines repeated enough times that [...]
Encouraging Bible Verses for Couples
Relationships are a blessing. As social creatures, humans come with a baked-in hankering [...]
Leadership Coaching: What Type of Intelligence Matters to Have a Successful Organization?
Whether you run your own small to medium-sized business, have a position in [...]
Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Effects of Complex Trauma
Any trauma can leave a lasting imprint on your mental and emotional health. [...]
Relationships in the Bible: 9 Scriptures to Consider
We live in a hyper-connected age, yet we feel lonelier than ever before. [...]
The Pointlessness of Forgiving Yourself
Though it may be a popular idea, the concept of forgiving yourself is [...]