
Do I Have Anxiety? Important Questions to Ask Yourself


“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” – Arthur Somers Roche What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Almost every individual you encounter has experienced anxiety at some point in their life. It is normal and healthy to experience [...]

Do I Have Anxiety? Important Questions to Ask Yourself2024-11-26T11:14:56+00:00

How to Take Every Thought Captive: Biblical Examples


We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ . . . – 2 Corinthians 10:5 How do we practically apply this verse – learning to take every thought captive – and why does it matter? That’s what we’ll unpack today, and [...]

How to Take Every Thought Captive: Biblical Examples2024-11-26T11:15:10+00:00

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)


Have you developed a habit of worrying? It’s one of those habits that most of us want to learn how to break but aren’t sure how to do it. With God’s help, you can stop worrying and trust Him more. Some people are more prone to worry than others and may worry over health, [...]

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)2024-11-26T11:22:41+00:00

Take Every Thought Captive: Dealing with Anxiety


“Stop worrying!” “Chill out!” “Relax!” Have you heard these lines repeated enough times that it makes you cringe? The problem is that people with an anxiety disorder can’t just stop worrying or relax – the panic and urgency don’t shut off simply because someone tells them they should. Feelings of anxiety and fear seem to [...]

Take Every Thought Captive: Dealing with Anxiety2024-11-26T11:32:05+00:00

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression


According to a 2016 report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, by the 2015-2016 school year, half of all students surveyed reported having attended counseling for mental health concerns. In 2009, 37% of students complained about problems with anxiety. The percentage of students with anxiety reached 46% in 2013 and 51% in 2016. [...]

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression2024-11-26T11:34:43+00:00

Anxiety Attack? Helpful Tips in the Moment


Sometimes people experience ongoing low-level anxiety – a distress that seems to hang out continually as if it were an appendage. It can be like that constant whirring noise of a fan in the background that’s left on day and night. On the other hand, one can experience those sudden episodes of anxiety that [...]

Anxiety Attack? Helpful Tips in the Moment2024-11-26T11:36:17+00:00

Scripture for Anxiety: Relying on God’s Promises to Overcome Fear


If you are one of the many Christians who struggle with anxiety, then you’ll be all-too-familiar with the huge impact that anxiety can have on your life. Anxiety can take many forms -- from general nervousness about unfamiliar situations, to debilitating panic attacks on a frequent basis. Modern life puts a huge amount of [...]

Scripture for Anxiety: Relying on God’s Promises to Overcome Fear2024-11-26T11:37:55+00:00

Have You Experienced these Anxiety Symptoms?


Are the incessant demands of work, school or family taking their toll on you? Are financial issues, illness, or other problems causing so much stress that your mental health is negatively affected? Do you often feel tense and even have physical symptoms, such a racing heart or trouble breathing? Do you wonder if you’re [...]

Have You Experienced these Anxiety Symptoms?2024-11-26T11:48:57+00:00

Most Common Anxiety Symptoms in Women: Ages 30 to 50


Anxiety is not a respecter of persons. It affects both women and men, adults and children, but it tends to have different faces according to the ages and genders of the individuals it afflicts. Research reveals that young adolescents and children typically experience anxiety symptoms like excessive worrying and phobias, while PTSD generally peaks [...]

Most Common Anxiety Symptoms in Women: Ages 30 to 502024-11-26T11:51:07+00:00
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