
Encouraging Bible Verses for Couples


Relationships are a blessing. As social creatures, humans come with a baked-in hankering for relationships of all sorts. “So God created humanity in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them,” says the early chapters of Genesis. Created in God’s image, we mirror who God [...]

Encouraging Bible Verses for Couples2024-11-26T11:32:16+00:00

Leadership Coaching: What Type of Intelligence Matters to Have a Successful Organization?


Whether you run your own small to medium-sized business, have a position in upper management for a large corporation, are a pastor of a medium or large-sized church, or consider yourself lower-level personnel, you have most likely encountered organizational dysfunction. World-renowned business thinker and psychoanalyst, Manfred Kets de Vries writes, “In my role as [...]

Leadership Coaching: What Type of Intelligence Matters to Have a Successful Organization?2024-11-26T11:32:29+00:00

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Effects of Complex Trauma


Any trauma can leave a lasting imprint on your mental and emotional health. Unfortunately, some prolonged trauma is harder to heal since it feels as if the painful memories have taken root deep into your mind, body and soul. Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) can mirror PTSD, but the effects from the condition are [...]

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Effects of Complex Trauma2024-11-26T11:32:41+00:00

Relationships in the Bible: 9 Scriptures to Consider


We live in a hyper-connected age, yet we feel lonelier than ever before. “The number of Americans with no close friends has tripled since 1985” (Forbes). Because of the Internet, we can experience limitless virtual “connection,” but that doesn’t replace real-life interaction. Social relationships, whether with family or friends, play a vital role in [...]

Relationships in the Bible: 9 Scriptures to Consider2024-11-26T11:34:14+00:00

The Pointlessness of Forgiving Yourself


Though it may be a popular idea, the concept of forgiving yourself is fruitless. I believe people have meant well when they told me during difficult times when I was ridden with guilt that God has forgiven me, but I haven’t forgiven myself. I think what they meant to say is that I haven’t [...]

The Pointlessness of Forgiving Yourself2024-11-26T11:34:27+00:00

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression


According to a 2016 report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, by the 2015-2016 school year, half of all students surveyed reported having attended counseling for mental health concerns. In 2009, 37% of students complained about problems with anxiety. The percentage of students with anxiety reached 46% in 2013 and 51% in 2016. [...]

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression2024-11-26T11:34:43+00:00

The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries


Do you feel as if people don’t respect you? That they take advantage of you, don’t listen to you, or that you end up in situations where you are unhappy? When you learn to set healthy boundaries, your self-esteem will be strengthened, your relationships can improve, and you can experience the freedom and empowerment [...]

The Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries2024-11-26T11:34:58+00:00

6 Scriptures for Depression Relief


In 2018, researchers asked American adults if they were depressed. Almost one in twelve said yes (AAFP). Women reported depression twice as often as men did. Depression is rampant in our culture, yet it’s been a reality throughout history. If you’ve experienced depression, you know it’s real. Its current pervasiveness may be partially just [...]

6 Scriptures for Depression Relief2024-11-26T11:35:17+00:00

Coping with Infidelity: 10 Steps for Affair Recovery


One of the most devastating things to happen in a Christian marriage is an affair. Rather than relying upon one another fully for love, protection, and support; one of the spouses has opted to seek those things from another, breaking their sacred vow to God and to their partner. Despite this terrible circumstance, believers [...]

Coping with Infidelity: 10 Steps for Affair Recovery2024-11-26T11:35:31+00:00

A Marriage in Crisis:Relationship Help to Start Picking Up the Pieces


A marriage in crisis can differ from one relationship to the next. Marriages can face a variety of obstacles and trials – from financial struggles, infertility, or the loss of a loved one, to a midlife or identity crisis of one or both spouses. Regardless of your current circumstances, it’s crucial to remember that [...]

A Marriage in Crisis:Relationship Help to Start Picking Up the Pieces2024-11-26T11:35:50+00:00
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