
What is the Definition of Bipolar Disorder?


For people living with bipolar disorder, they cycle through intense elevated periods called mania and severe low periods called depression. These extremely high-highs and low-lows become a pattern in their lives. Maybe you’ve questioned if your drastic mood shifts are actually a more serious condition like bipolar disorder. What is the Definition of Bipolar Disorder? [...]

What is the Definition of Bipolar Disorder?2024-11-26T11:52:49+00:00

How to Deal With Anxiety From a Christian Perspective


Anybody who has ever experienced anxiety, which I imagine includes us all, I’m certain would say that they hate it. Anxiety is no picnic in the park—far from it. Anxiety is extremely uncomfortable. Not only does it rob us of joy and energy, but it produces sensations of fear. It has the potential to [...]

How to Deal With Anxiety From a Christian Perspective2024-11-26T11:53:05+00:00

Does Play Therapy for Children Really Work?


Play therapy for children might sound too simple at first. Don’t children play anyway? What is therapeutic about it? Play isn't just playing, though. It’s a vital part of a child’s world, and as such it provides a powerful treatment modality in therapy for children. As they play in their everyday lives, children learn [...]

Does Play Therapy for Children Really Work?2024-11-26T11:53:22+00:00

4 Steps to Emotional Affair Recovery


When you think about a spouse being unfaithful, physical adultery probably comes to mind. Sometimes we forget how common – and devastating – emotional infidelity is. How do we even define an emotional affair? Where is the line crossed? And when there has been an inappropriate emotional relationship with another person, what does the [...]

4 Steps to Emotional Affair Recovery2024-11-26T11:53:35+00:00

Does Marriage Counseling Work? Yes and No


For many struggling couples, marriage counseling is often considered the last recourse. Despite suggestions by loved ones to see a specialist, spouses hesitate to schedule an appointment due to the stigma surrounding counseling as well as doubts as to whether it can really help. Many couples believe it is shameful to have to go [...]

Does Marriage Counseling Work? Yes and No2024-11-26T11:53:48+00:00

When Should I Consider Grief Counseling?


Grief. It’s a word we hear used in a variety of different contexts. For instance, “I try to mail my bills early to avoid unnecessary grief.” “You broke your big toe? Good grief!” “My chemistry class caused me so much grief this semester!” We all get it when we hear the word used in [...]

When Should I Consider Grief Counseling?2024-11-26T11:54:06+00:00

Premarital Counseling Topics to Discuss with Your Partner


He’s popped the question. You said, “Yes!” Now, you’ve entered the season of engagement that includes choosing a venue, cake-tasting appointments, dress fittings and bridal showers. Couples take months to plan a wedding that only lasts a day, yet often neglect to focus on their marriage which will last a lifetime. It’s easy to [...]

Premarital Counseling Topics to Discuss with Your Partner2024-11-26T11:54:20+00:00

What is Trauma? A Definition and Treatment Options


When most people hear the term trauma, the usual idea is an accident survivor with injuries and a scary recollection of the ordeal. If not that, then it may be that of a soldier dealing with battlefield stress. Though such incidents do cause trauma, there is more to trauma than just that. What is [...]

What is Trauma? A Definition and Treatment Options2024-11-26T11:54:34+00:00

Restoring a Marriage After the Affair


As you exchange sacred vows, walk blissfully down the aisle, and celebrate your new chapter as husband and wife, thoughts of infidelity are far from your mind. You begin building a life with your spouse until one day you are blindsided by a confession expressing a deep-rooted struggle with sexual addiction. When your spouse [...]

Restoring a Marriage After the Affair2024-11-26T11:54:49+00:00

3 Effective Ways to Manage Your Anxiety Symptoms


Anxiety is a normal part of being human. As we do not know the future, we are often anxious about upcoming events. In normal doses, anxiety keeps us on our toes as we prepare ourselves for things to come such as meeting new playmates, tests at school, job interviews, a romantic date, or life [...]

3 Effective Ways to Manage Your Anxiety Symptoms2024-11-26T11:55:06+00:00
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