
Social Anxiety Disorder: Definition and Management Methods


For someone who suffers from social anxiety, certain interactions with others can often feel like a life or death situation. When danger presents itself to the human body, our adrenal system kicks in and we are presented with two clear options -- “fight or flight.” For those without any anxiety disorder, this response could [...]

Social Anxiety Disorder: Definition and Management Methods2024-11-26T11:55:58+00:00

Is it Okay to Have Sexual Fantasies within a Christian Marriage?


🎧 Listen to this article Did you know the Bible gives examples of sexual fantasies within marriage? This book is often overlooked, but Song of Solomon vividly describes what romance and sexuality could look like in the context of marriage. It’s a book brimming with vivid imagery describing passion between a groom [...]

Is it Okay to Have Sexual Fantasies within a Christian Marriage?2024-11-26T12:01:43+00:00

11 Lifestyle Changes For Weight Loss That Lasts


Our busy lifestyles coupled with the availability of processed foods create the perfect storm for health issues. It’s no surprise that heart disease, diabetes, and other weight-related ailments are continually on the rise. Still, many people are seeking ways to reclaim control over their health. 1. Think Small Portion control isn’t a myth. If [...]

11 Lifestyle Changes For Weight Loss That Lasts2024-11-26T12:01:57+00:00

Navigating Codependent Relationships with Grace and Wisdom


Codependent Relationships Defined You may have first heard of the word codependency in the 1980s in the context of alcoholism and drug addiction. A “codependent” referred to the spouse or family member of someone who was struggling with substance abuse. To be “codependent” meant that the family member changed their life to adapt to [...]

Navigating Codependent Relationships with Grace and Wisdom2024-11-26T12:02:09+00:00

Why Men Have Affairs: Most Common Excuses


Have you ever wondered why men have affairs? It has nothing to do with whether your husband is still in love with you or even whether you find your marriage satisfying or not. It has everything to do with personal integrity, or who you are on the inside. Are you using your dissatisfaction with [...]

Why Men Have Affairs: Most Common Excuses2024-11-26T12:02:22+00:00

Advice from a Family Counselor: Tips for Setting Limits


When a child is finding it difficult to adequately express negative emotions, they may lash out in anger with words or even with violent actions. Without the tools to adequately process and explain their feelings, parents may find themselves on the receiving end of outbursts of frustration and anger. This can be exhausting for [...]

Advice from a Family Counselor: Tips for Setting Limits2024-11-26T12:02:37+00:00

Christian Marriage Advice for People Pleasers


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear,” – Ambrose Redmoon Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor [...]

Christian Marriage Advice for People Pleasers2024-11-26T12:02:52+00:00

3 Myths about Lack of Sexual Desire in Marriage


Myth: The Partner with Low-Desire Has a Hangup About Sex Most relationships consist of one high-desire and one low-desire partner. In general, one should not draw the conclusion that the low-desire partner is below average, or the high-desire partner is off the charts. It just means that their desires aren’t equal in their particular [...]

3 Myths about Lack of Sexual Desire in Marriage2024-11-26T12:03:05+00:00

Two Common Anxiety Disorders in Children and How to Treat Them


Try to remember a day when you felt particularly apprehensive and anxious. Perhaps it was day one of your new job or a time when you had to go for medical tests. In those situations, it is totally normal to experience some feelings of worry and concern. But imagine feeling like that every day. [...]

Two Common Anxiety Disorders in Children and How to Treat Them2024-11-26T12:03:16+00:00

What Causes Depression? Possible Culprits Revealed


Depression is a huge issue across the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that some 5-12 percent of the entire population will experience a major depressive episode in any given year. A major depressive episode can be absolutely crippling and can leave the sufferer completely unable to function. Thus, depression will [...]

What Causes Depression? Possible Culprits Revealed2024-11-26T12:03:28+00:00
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