
What is Chemical Dependency? A Christian Counselor Explains


Chemical dependency is an issue that spreads far and wide. Millions are held captive by alcohol abuse and drug addiction, which are arguably the two leading forms of chemical dependency. However, there tends to be an element of stigma surrounding drug and alcohol dependency of this sort. Many believe that it is a problem [...]

What is Chemical Dependency? A Christian Counselor Explains2024-11-26T12:06:43+00:00

Marriage Advice that Will Make a Difference


Maybe you stumbled across this article after another night full of frustration. You and your spouse have tossed around the divorce word more than once. Or maybe it’s been years since you’ve had a fight with your spouse because you’ve emotionally checked out of the relationship. The only thing keeping your marriage intact is [...]

Marriage Advice that Will Make a Difference2024-11-26T12:07:10+00:00

Tips for Dealing with Anger Management in Children


There are any number of reasons why a child may have anger issues. For example, they might be dealing with a major change in their life or have a disability that is a constant frustration for them. All children are born with unique dispositions and there are some life factors that result in an [...]

Tips for Dealing with Anger Management in Children2024-11-26T12:07:24+00:00

5 More Questions to Ask Your Cheating Spouse After the Affair


Where do you start the conversation with your unfaithful spouse after the affair? Questions are probably rushing through your brain, but you also wonder if you can handle the answers. And after your spouse has lied to you so many times, can you even trust anything he or she says? Infidelity expert Dr. Shirley [...]

5 More Questions to Ask Your Cheating Spouse After the Affair2024-11-26T12:07:48+00:00

Affair Recovery: 5 Questions to Ask After Your Spouse Cheats


(References “NOT ‘Just Friends’” by Shirley P. Glass, Ph.D with Jean Coppock Staeheli) So your spouse had an affair. How do you start a conversation about what happened? Your mind is full of questions, but you’re also wondering whether you want to know the answers. You might not be sure if you can trust [...]

Affair Recovery: 5 Questions to Ask After Your Spouse Cheats2024-11-26T12:08:00+00:00

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children: What to Look For


Sexual abuse is an incredibly difficult subject to address. It affects many people and can be a source of deep-rooted pain, shame, and emotional strife. As part of combating sexual abuse, it is vitally important for parents and guardians to be able to recognize the tell-tale signs exhibited by an abused child. We must [...]

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children: What to Look For2024-11-26T12:08:48+00:00

Stages of Spiritual Development: A Growth Plan for Women


This article is a review of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ book, Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free. This book is a great tool that helps women better understand the stages of spiritual development that we go through as we embark on our spiritual journey. The basic tenets are that believing in Satan’s [...]

Stages of Spiritual Development: A Growth Plan for Women2024-11-26T12:09:01+00:00

Do I Have OCD? Find Out Here


It is estimated that around 3 million people Americans suffer from OCD. Even so, there is an absence of comprehensive understanding with regard to the key facets of this mental health condition. Many falsely believe that ‘being a little OCD’ equates to exhibiting a few neurotic characteristics, and maybe washing your hands a bit [...]

Do I Have OCD? Find Out Here2024-11-26T12:09:16+00:00

How to Cope with the Loss of a Spouse


The loss of a spouse may be the most difficult challenge anyone can experience. Whether it occurs suddenly or after a long battle with illness, the surviving partner is left shattered and distressed. As the individual begins learning how to live without their other half, it can be an overwhelming task. Understanding the steps and [...]

How to Cope with the Loss of a Spouse2024-11-26T12:09:29+00:00

Parenting Teens: 5 Things Parents Need to Know


Parenting teens is anything but easy, and nothing could induce most adults to redo their teenage years. Every adult knows how challenging it is for teens to go through the adolescent stage. Adolescence, which lasts from as early as 8 years all the way through to 25, can be brutal. But it is not [...]

Parenting Teens: 5 Things Parents Need to Know2024-11-26T12:09:41+00:00
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