
8 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety


There are breathing exercises for anxiety you can use to reduce symptoms and begin feeling better if you are experiencing breathlessness due to anxiety. Let's look at eight examples you can do at any time during the day or incorporate into longer self-care periods. 1. Exhale more slowly Sometimes deep breathing won't help you [...]

8 Breathing Exercises for Anxiety2024-11-26T11:10:27+00:00

The Fear of Being Alone: Signs and Causes


People who suffer from autophobia, also known as monophobia, report feeling extreme anxiety whenever they are by themselves. Your relationships, social life, and career could all be negatively impacted by your fear of being alone. A traumatic event that occurred to you when you were a child may have also left you with a [...]

The Fear of Being Alone: Signs and Causes2024-10-29T12:17:08+00:00

5 Signs You Have Body Image Issues


Your relationship with your body is referred to as your body image. You have a body image if you have a body. Body image is less about your actual size, weight, or shape and more about cultural, political, racial, peer, social, and family values. The messages you receive from friends, family, social media, commercials, [...]

5 Signs You Have Body Image Issues2024-10-29T10:19:03+00:00

4 Anger Management Tips for Adults All Ages Can Benefit From


You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger. – Buddha What is anger? Anger is an emotion that is often identified as negative due to the impact of its nature. Anger is a response to many different experiences which include but are not limited to trauma, anxiety, [...]

4 Anger Management Tips for Adults All Ages Can Benefit From2024-11-26T11:10:40+00:00

Early Onset Dementia Symptoms and Prevention


Dementia is not a single disease. Rather, it is a broad term that describes a range of symptoms. These symptoms can affect a person’s memory and ability to think, process information, and communicate with others. According to the World Health Organization, more than fifty-five million people worldwide have dementia, and more than 10 million new [...]

Early Onset Dementia Symptoms and Prevention2024-10-29T10:19:09+00:00

Will I Ever Get Married? 3 Reasons You Haven’t Found the One


“Will I ever get married?” is a question that people often think about. Asking this question may indicate your interest in making a long-term commitment to another person. Marriage is a big step in everyone’s life, and it can be scary to think about such a commitment. However, marriage can also be a very [...]

Will I Ever Get Married? 3 Reasons You Haven’t Found the One2024-10-29T10:19:17+00:00

Five Types of Anger Disorders


Anger is a complex and nuanced emotion. It is an emotion that is shared by everyone. After all, it is normal to feel irritated or outraged on occasion. But why do so many of us think of anger disorders when someone is shouting or acts violently? Did you know anger can either be channeled [...]

Five Types of Anger Disorders2024-10-29T10:19:24+00:00
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