
The Many Faces of Trauma: 6 Tips to Help You Cope


Trauma has many different faces and can happen in many different places. It can be debilitating, make you feel as though time is standing still, and make you question if life will ever be the same. Trauma can make you question if you will ever be the same. Will you keep having flashbacks? Will [...]

The Many Faces of Trauma: 6 Tips to Help You Cope2024-11-26T11:21:32+00:00

Will I Ever Get Married? 5 Ways to Wait on God’s Plan


When the question, “Will I ever get married?” is the cry of your soul, the silent lack of response can be deafening. Friends and family will try their best to pacify and prophesy, and may even put their best match-making efforts to the test. For the Christian single, however, it is only God who [...]

Will I Ever Get Married? 5 Ways to Wait on God’s Plan2024-11-26T11:22:00+00:00

Why We Need Boundaries


Modern culture loves the word “boundaries.” It is the subject of hashtags and coaching programs and books and movements. It has become popular to talk about, but it seems many do not understand what the concept entails. People often believe boundaries are important because they are a form of self-love. Though this is true, [...]

Why We Need Boundaries2024-11-26T11:22:15+00:00

Treatment for Depression: Various Options to Consider 


Most people, at some point in their lives, experience periods of sadness and feeling down. However, when these feelings persist for a significant period and begin to substantially affect a person’s life, they may be dealing with depression. Experiences of grief or trauma are not in and of themselves considered to be depression, although [...]

Treatment for Depression: Various Options to Consider 2024-11-26T11:22:28+00:00

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)


Have you developed a habit of worrying? It’s one of those habits that most of us want to learn how to break but aren’t sure how to do it. With God’s help, you can stop worrying and trust Him more. Some people are more prone to worry than others and may worry over health, [...]

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)2024-11-26T11:22:41+00:00

How to Overcome Codependency


Wondering how to overcome codependency, or navigate a codependent relationship? If so, this article is for you. “I know what it’s like to lose yourself so badly that you don’t know if there’s a you or ever was one.” – Melodie Beattie What is Codependency? Many have defined the term over the years, and [...]

How to Overcome Codependency2024-11-26T11:22:56+00:00

How to Overcome Resentment in Relationships


Resentment in relationships is one of the top things that can tear a relationship apart. Resentment is a feeling that lasts for a significant amount of time after the offense has happened. It tends to build over time when allowed to fester. It is the opposite of forgiveness; the very thing Christians are called [...]

How to Overcome Resentment in Relationships2024-11-26T11:23:09+00:00

8 Ways to Build Self-Esteem


Self-esteem (or as some call it, self-worth) is the thoughts and feelings one has toward self. Inflated self-esteem (thinking and feeling too highly of self) can be harmful in that it can produce arrogance that repels others, a narcissistic attitude that harms more than helps. A deflated self-esteem (thinking and feeling too low of [...]

8 Ways to Build Self-Esteem2024-11-26T11:23:21+00:00

Feeling Disillusioned? Practical Tips to Overcome


Has a loved one let you down big time? Did you major in a field of study, only to find out that the career path wasn’t fulfilling? Have you believed in an institution that didn’t follow through on their promises? If so, you could be dealing with the crushing effects of feeling disillusioned. What [...]

Feeling Disillusioned? Practical Tips to Overcome2024-11-26T11:23:47+00:00
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