
8 Ways to Build Self-Esteem


Self-esteem (or as some call it, self-worth) is the thoughts and feelings one has toward self. Inflated self-esteem (thinking and feeling too highly of self) can be harmful in that it can produce arrogance that repels others, a narcissistic attitude that harms more than helps. A deflated self-esteem (thinking and feeling too low of [...]

8 Ways to Build Self-Esteem2024-11-26T11:23:21+00:00

Feeling Disillusioned? Practical Tips to Overcome


Has a loved one let you down big time? Did you major in a field of study, only to find out that the career path wasn’t fulfilling? Have you believed in an institution that didn’t follow through on their promises? If so, you could be dealing with the crushing effects of feeling disillusioned. What [...]

Feeling Disillusioned? Practical Tips to Overcome2024-11-26T11:23:47+00:00

How Do the Different Attachment Styles Affect Relationships?


“I think I have attachment issues” is a statement that’s often uttered within romantic relationships as individuals wrestle with feeling like they either get attached way too easily or struggle getting attached to other people. Attachment issues can rear up as you navigate the dating phase of a relationship all the way into marriage [...]

How Do the Different Attachment Styles Affect Relationships?2024-11-26T11:24:15+00:00

When You Can’t Seem to Heal: Complicated Grief After the Loss of a Loved One


Losing someone close to you is one of the most devastating events you will ever experience. Even Christians who lose other believers they are close to mourn the loss of their friend, although they know through faith that they will see them again. However, some losses do not seem to heal with time. The [...]

When You Can’t Seem to Heal: Complicated Grief After the Loss of a Loved One2024-11-26T11:24:26+00:00

Anger Management: Understanding the Anger Episode


Anger is a complicated emotion. Often when it is felt, you aren’t sure why you feel it or where it comes from. Often it can feel a bit out of control and may get the best of you when you are in a more vulnerable state. That's why anger management techniques are so important. [...]

Anger Management: Understanding the Anger Episode2024-11-26T11:25:48+00:00

Get Healthy: Treatment for Eating Disorders


Every culture in the world expresses important aspects of itself through its food – how we gather or obtain it, how we prepare it, how we consume, and dispose of it. Food is one of God’s good gifts to us and something that our bodies need for them to continue to function properly and [...]

Get Healthy: Treatment for Eating Disorders2024-11-26T11:26:01+00:00

5 Steps to Incorporating Self-Care into Your Daily Life


The idea that self-care needs to look like the cover of Yoga Journal or SELF Magazine is a myth. There is no rule book that says you need to makeover your guest bedroom into a Himalayan salt sauna, or that you need to give the kids to your sister for the weekend in order [...]

5 Steps to Incorporating Self-Care into Your Daily Life2024-11-26T11:26:15+00:00

Saving Your Marriage After an Affair


Adultery. It’s one of the most hurtful betrayals a spouse can go through. The act violates the exclusive nature of the marriage and breaks the covenant between the two partners and God. How does one heal after an affair? Infidelity doesn’t always include a sexual relationship. Emotional infidelity may seem innocent enough – until [...]

Saving Your Marriage After an Affair2024-11-26T11:26:30+00:00
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