Grief Counseling

Grieving “Living Deaths”


Are you dealing with grief that exists even though an actual death has not occurred? This type of grief is called a “living death.” Living deaths can be just as painful as an actual death. If you are grieving this type of hurt, there is hope and help for you through Christian grief counseling. [...]

Grieving “Living Deaths”2025-01-17T03:06:00+00:00

When You Can’t Seem to Heal: Complicated Grief After the Loss of a Loved One


Losing someone close to you is one of the most devastating events you will ever experience. Even Christians who lose other believers they are close to mourn the loss of their friend, although they know through faith that they will see them again. However, some losses do not seem to heal with time. The [...]

When You Can’t Seem to Heal: Complicated Grief After the Loss of a Loved One2024-11-26T11:24:26+00:00

Scripture for Loss: Using God’s Word to Find Comfort


Times of loss are painful and dark. Whether it’s hearing a new diagnosis or getting a call from the police, the pain of loss is difficult. Nothing makes it easier. There is no way to face loss without pain. The two are deeply intertwined like smoke and fire, where one is the other will [...]

Scripture for Loss: Using God’s Word to Find Comfort2024-11-26T11:36:05+00:00

Activities to Help the Grieving Process


In this fallen world, grief and loss are inevitable. The people we love may grow apart or move away; careers can be cut short; opportunities may close; personal dreams may be set aside to give way to other pressing matters; and, of course, everybody eventually dies. But though grief and loss are expected to [...]

Activities to Help the Grieving Process2024-11-26T11:44:56+00:00
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