Individual Counseling

How to Gain Trust in a Relationship When It’s Been Broken


Trust is such a key ingredient to having a strong, healthy relationship. Trust is to a relationship what apples are to an apple pie. Take the apples out and you no longer have the same dessert. Take trust out of a relationship and you’re looking at a totally different dynamic. To the degree that [...]

How to Gain Trust in a Relationship When It’s Been Broken2024-11-26T11:41:14+00:00

Practical Anger Management Techniques for Kids at School


Some kids love school, and some kids despise it. Many fall somewhere in between. But what about those kids who have anger problems in the classroom? Educators need to be equipped with practical and effective anger management techniques to maintain peaceful environments conducive for learning. One good place to start is by asking questions. [...]

Practical Anger Management Techniques for Kids at School2024-11-26T11:41:28+00:00

Looking for an OCD Definition? Here You Go


Looking for an OCD definition? This article will provide a definition of OCD and some helpful information about the condition. OCD Definition Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is characterized by both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are recurrent urges, images, or thoughts, which are difficult to ignore. These thoughts are unwelcome and result in great [...]

Looking for an OCD Definition? Here You Go2024-11-26T11:41:42+00:00

Forgiving Others: The What, The How, The Why


In recent years, a number of studies have shown that forgiving others has direct links to better mental health. It’s been proven that forgiveness can help to reduce anxiety, improve depression and also has an impact on more severe psychiatric disorders, too. In addition to the impact on mental health, forgiving others can be [...]

Forgiving Others: The What, The How, The Why2024-11-26T11:41:55+00:00

Unforgiveness: It Affects Your Mental Health


Three words: I forgive you. Mechanically speaking, they’re three words so easy to say. Most certainly they’re nowhere near in complexity to utter as “super-cali-frag-i-listic-ex-pe-ali-docious.” On the contrary – phonetically-speaking, I forgive you rolls off the tongue just as smoothly as chocolate ice cream, black and white, or see you later. Even more, it doesn’t require [...]

Unforgiveness: It Affects Your Mental Health2024-11-26T11:42:12+00:00

Symptoms of OCD: What to Look For and What to Do


Obsessive Compulsive Behavior (OCD) is a mental health disorder where the afflicted person has constant unwanted thoughts and feelings. Plagued with intrusive thoughts, the person may end up performing an action repeatedly. Examples of these actions are excessive washing of the hands to the point the skin is rubbed raw or repeating a daily [...]

Symptoms of OCD: What to Look For and What to Do2024-11-26T11:43:05+00:00

How to Overcome Jealousy and Envy in Relationships


God’s grace saves us. We are free to enjoy new lives in Him. His Word instructs us to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. God’s Word teaches us to “live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to [him]" (Titus 2:11-12). However, there exists an evil that can infiltrate our lives. [...]

How to Overcome Jealousy and Envy in Relationships2024-11-26T11:43:41+00:00

3 Essential Practices for Spiritual Disciplines


Where are you in your spiritual life? Are you dry or are you on fire? Do you feel a lack of connection with God and a bit defeated? Do you wonder how to fan the flame of spiritual awakening? Be encouraged! It is God’s plan for you to be empowered through His Spirit with [...]

3 Essential Practices for Spiritual Disciplines2024-11-26T11:43:55+00:00

Common Teenage Problems and How to Help


According to Kessler, et al. (2005), about twenty percent of all adolescents in the U.S. face a diagnosable mental health condition. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) (2017) found suicide to be the third leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 to 19. It is also estimated that just [...]

Common Teenage Problems and How to Help2024-11-26T11:44:07+00:00
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