Relationship Issues

The Truth about Having an Emotional Affair


Certain spouses scoff at the idea of an emotional affair. If a spouse didn’t cross a physical boundary, then they don’t see the harm in flirtatious relationships outside of their marriage. Yet, emotional affairs can be just as destructive as physical infidelity. What does an emotional affair look like? At work your hire an [...]

The Truth about Having an Emotional Affair2024-11-26T12:06:09+00:00

How Christian Marriage Counseling Can Help You Bond With Your Spouse


References “Intimate Allies” by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III “And Adam said, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: [...]

How Christian Marriage Counseling Can Help You Bond With Your Spouse2024-11-26T12:06:29+00:00

Marriage Advice that Will Make a Difference


Maybe you stumbled across this article after another night full of frustration. You and your spouse have tossed around the divorce word more than once. Or maybe it’s been years since you’ve had a fight with your spouse because you’ve emotionally checked out of the relationship. The only thing keeping your marriage intact is [...]

Marriage Advice that Will Make a Difference2024-11-26T12:07:10+00:00

5 More Questions to Ask Your Cheating Spouse After the Affair


Where do you start the conversation with your unfaithful spouse after the affair? Questions are probably rushing through your brain, but you also wonder if you can handle the answers. And after your spouse has lied to you so many times, can you even trust anything he or she says? Infidelity expert Dr. Shirley [...]

5 More Questions to Ask Your Cheating Spouse After the Affair2024-11-26T12:07:48+00:00

Affair Recovery: 5 Questions to Ask After Your Spouse Cheats


(References “NOT ‘Just Friends’” by Shirley P. Glass, Ph.D with Jean Coppock Staeheli) So your spouse had an affair. How do you start a conversation about what happened? Your mind is full of questions, but you’re also wondering whether you want to know the answers. You might not be sure if you can trust [...]

Affair Recovery: 5 Questions to Ask After Your Spouse Cheats2024-11-26T12:08:00+00:00

The First Step in Codependency Recovery: Identify the Symptoms


Codependency is one of the most common aspects of an unhealthy relationship. While depending on each other can be a good thing in moderation, codependency causes one person to rely too heavily on the other, and can result in a whole host of emotional problems. Codependence: Healing the Human Condition author Charles L. Whitfield [...]

The First Step in Codependency Recovery: Identify the Symptoms2024-11-26T12:10:08+00:00

Pre-Marital Counseling Questions to Ask Before You Tie the Knot


Marriage is the first institution described in Scripture. Jesus’ commentary on marriage affirms the concept of one woman and one man becoming one flesh. Married Christians are exhorted to love and respect their spouses as a way of reverencing Christ. Such Biblical truths suggest that marriage is the most important relationship in any household. [...]

Pre-Marital Counseling Questions to Ask Before You Tie the Knot2024-11-26T12:10:22+00:00

3 Couples Counseling Exercises for Deeper Connection


Wouldn’t marriage be so much easier if your spouse was just like you? Although at times it may not seem like it, it is actually a gift that your spouse is different from you. Your partner brings a whole different worldview, personality, and experience to the relationship, which, when embraced, is meant to help [...]

3 Couples Counseling Exercises for Deeper Connection2024-11-26T12:11:13+00:00
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