Spiritual Development

Will I Ever Get Married? 5 Ways to Wait on God’s Plan


When the question, “Will I ever get married?” is the cry of your soul, the silent lack of response can be deafening. Friends and family will try their best to pacify and prophesy, and may even put their best match-making efforts to the test. For the Christian single, however, it is only God who [...]

Will I Ever Get Married? 5 Ways to Wait on God’s Plan2024-11-26T11:22:00+00:00

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)


Have you developed a habit of worrying? It’s one of those habits that most of us want to learn how to break but aren’t sure how to do it. With God’s help, you can stop worrying and trust Him more. Some people are more prone to worry than others and may worry over health, [...]

How to Stop Worrying (and Why God Wants You to Stop)2024-11-26T11:22:41+00:00

How to Overcome Resentment in Relationships


Resentment in relationships is one of the top things that can tear a relationship apart. Resentment is a feeling that lasts for a significant amount of time after the offense has happened. It tends to build over time when allowed to fester. It is the opposite of forgiveness; the very thing Christians are called [...]

How to Overcome Resentment in Relationships2024-11-26T11:23:09+00:00

5 Steps to Incorporating Self-Care into Your Daily Life


The idea that self-care needs to look like the cover of Yoga Journal or SELF Magazine is a myth. There is no rule book that says you need to makeover your guest bedroom into a Himalayan salt sauna, or that you need to give the kids to your sister for the weekend in order [...]

5 Steps to Incorporating Self-Care into Your Daily Life2024-11-26T11:26:15+00:00

3 Steps to Building a Foundation for Spiritual Development


Perhaps you have read all of Dallas Willard and Richard Foster’s books on spiritual formation and spiritual practices. The thought of another Bible reading plan sounds unmotivating. How many more times should you ask for prayer about having a deeper prayer life? You have set your New Year’s resolutions related to spiritual disciplines; it’s [...]

3 Steps to Building a Foundation for Spiritual Development2024-11-26T11:30:57+00:00

Learning How to Forgive: 8 Steps to True Forgiveness


Are you struggling with knowing how to forgive? This article will outline eight steps to help you practice and experience true forgiveness. What is forgiveness? The definition of forgiveness is essentially the act of pardoning an offender. In the Bible, the Greek word translated “forgiveness” literally means “to let go”, as when a person [...]

Learning How to Forgive: 8 Steps to True Forgiveness2024-11-26T11:31:12+00:00

Encouraging Bible Verses for Couples


Relationships are a blessing. As social creatures, humans come with a baked-in hankering for relationships of all sorts. “So God created humanity in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them,” says the early chapters of Genesis. Created in God’s image, we mirror who God [...]

Encouraging Bible Verses for Couples2024-11-26T11:32:16+00:00

Relationships in the Bible: 9 Scriptures to Consider


We live in a hyper-connected age, yet we feel lonelier than ever before. “The number of Americans with no close friends has tripled since 1985” (Forbes). Because of the Internet, we can experience limitless virtual “connection,” but that doesn’t replace real-life interaction. Social relationships, whether with family or friends, play a vital role in [...]

Relationships in the Bible: 9 Scriptures to Consider2024-11-26T11:34:14+00:00

The Pointlessness of Forgiving Yourself


Though it may be a popular idea, the concept of forgiving yourself is fruitless. I believe people have meant well when they told me during difficult times when I was ridden with guilt that God has forgiven me, but I haven’t forgiven myself. I think what they meant to say is that I haven’t [...]

The Pointlessness of Forgiving Yourself2024-11-26T11:34:27+00:00

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression


According to a 2016 report by the Center for Collegiate Mental Health, by the 2015-2016 school year, half of all students surveyed reported having attended counseling for mental health concerns. In 2009, 37% of students complained about problems with anxiety. The percentage of students with anxiety reached 46% in 2013 and 51% in 2016. [...]

Human Flourishing in the Age of Anxiety and Depression2024-11-26T11:34:43+00:00
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