
What is Trauma? A Definition and Treatment Options


When most people hear the term trauma, the usual idea is an accident survivor with injuries and a scary recollection of the ordeal. If not that, then it may be that of a soldier dealing with battlefield stress. Though such incidents do cause trauma, there is more to trauma than just that. What is [...]

What is Trauma? A Definition and Treatment Options2023-09-22T16:33:32+00:00

10 Most Common Types of Trauma


While nearly everyone experiences distressing or traumatic events at some point in his or her life, not everyone experiences what clinicians characterize as one of the types of trauma. Being bullied on the playground or making a major faux pas in public can be extremely difficult to get over, make no mistake. How one [...]

10 Most Common Types of Trauma2023-09-25T17:53:36+00:00
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