Women’s Issues

Depression Symptoms, Coping, and Social Distancing


Are you experiencing depression symptoms in relation to COVID-19? With the increase of confirmed cases of COVID-19 every day, we are faced with challenges each day. In addition to health concerns, many of us are struggling with losing our jobs, businesses are being threatened, we're losing our sense of self-efficacy, and we're experiencing a [...]

Depression Symptoms, Coping, and Social Distancing2024-11-26T11:30:28+00:00

The Practice of Renewing Your Mind through Principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2 It is interesting, this idea of transformation by the renewal of your mind. What does it [...]

The Practice of Renewing Your Mind through Principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy2024-11-26T11:30:44+00:00

Domestic Abuse: What is it and What Does it Look Like?


People are sometimes confused as to what constitutes domestic abuse. Is it strictly physical in nature? If so, does it have to leave a mark to be considered abuse? What about frequency? Would a single incident meet criterion for domestic abuse or does it have to reach a certain number to qualify? In addition [...]

Domestic Abuse: What is it and What Does it Look Like?2024-11-26T11:37:00+00:00

Top Depression Symptoms in Women: What You Should Do


On average, women experience depression at around twice the rate men do (Mental Health America). It’s easy to attribute a low mood to being emotional or hormonal, but something deeper may be going on. The symptoms of depression can be subtle, but if you know what to look for, you might be able to [...]

Top Depression Symptoms in Women: What You Should Do2024-11-26T11:41:01+00:00

Looking for an OCD Definition? Here You Go


Looking for an OCD definition? This article will provide a definition of OCD and some helpful information about the condition. OCD Definition Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is characterized by both obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are recurrent urges, images, or thoughts, which are difficult to ignore. These thoughts are unwelcome and result in great [...]

Looking for an OCD Definition? Here You Go2024-11-26T11:41:42+00:00

Symptoms of OCD: What to Look For and What to Do


Obsessive Compulsive Behavior (OCD) is a mental health disorder where the afflicted person has constant unwanted thoughts and feelings. Plagued with intrusive thoughts, the person may end up performing an action repeatedly. Examples of these actions are excessive washing of the hands to the point the skin is rubbed raw or repeating a daily [...]

Symptoms of OCD: What to Look For and What to Do2024-11-26T11:43:05+00:00

Group Therapy: The Counseling Group that Gets Results


Ah, the beauty of counseling groups. When facilitated well, they have the potential to bring about tremendous insight and growth to those who are willing to join the circle of chairs. Yes, group counseling— which I personally like to refer to as group therapy—has a quality unique unto itself. It’s a quality that individual [...]

Group Therapy: The Counseling Group that Gets Results2024-11-26T11:43:26+00:00

Do You Suffer from Effects of Sexual Abuse? Jesus Wants to Heal You


If you or a loved one are suffering from the effects of sexual abuse, it’s important for you to know that there is help for what you are experiencing. Often the symptoms and emotions subsequent to sexual abuse are so powerful that the idea of recovery seems like nothing more than a ridiculous myth. [...]

Do You Suffer from Effects of Sexual Abuse? Jesus Wants to Heal You2024-11-26T11:44:44+00:00
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