Women’s Issues

11 Lifestyle Changes For Weight Loss That Lasts


Our busy lifestyles coupled with the availability of processed foods create the perfect storm for health issues. It’s no surprise that heart disease, diabetes, and other weight-related ailments are continually on the rise. Still, many people are seeking ways to reclaim control over their health. 1. Think Small Portion control isn’t a myth. If [...]

11 Lifestyle Changes For Weight Loss That Lasts2024-11-26T12:01:57+00:00

What Causes Depression? Possible Culprits Revealed


Depression is a huge issue across the United States. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that some 5-12 percent of the entire population will experience a major depressive episode in any given year. A major depressive episode can be absolutely crippling and can leave the sufferer completely unable to function. Thus, depression will [...]

What Causes Depression? Possible Culprits Revealed2024-11-26T12:03:28+00:00

Panic Attack Treatment Options Just for You


Panic attacks can be incredibly frightening. Symptoms may include heart palpitations, chest pains, nausea, feeling weak, dizzy, or faint, having trouble breathing, and even experiencing a sense of terror. However, that is by no means a comprehensive list. Indeed, panic attack symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Many of those who experience [...]

Panic Attack Treatment Options Just for You2024-11-26T12:04:38+00:00

6 Tips to Support a Friend or Family Member with Mental Illness


It can be extremely difficult and sometimes frustrating, to see a friend or family member struggling with mental illness. Though family or friends of those with mental illness may not have or understand ways they can positively impact that person’s well-being, there are still action steps that can be taken to remain supportive. Even [...]

6 Tips to Support a Friend or Family Member with Mental Illness2024-11-26T12:04:53+00:00

The Grieving Process: Commonalities and Differences


It is the job of psychologists and related researchers to try to classify the different experiences of humankind. Through this, we get a general view of how people feel and react. While there is much truth in what has been discovered, however, it must be said that everyone is unique so no single path [...]

The Grieving Process: Commonalities and Differences2024-11-26T12:05:06+00:00

Common Signs of Depression in Men and Women


Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions today. It affects millions of people across America and can be devastating to both the sufferer and those around them. An estimated 6.7% of adults (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2015) suffer from depressive symptoms and it is particularly prevalent in those between [...]

Common Signs of Depression in Men and Women2024-11-26T12:05:29+00:00

Eating Disorders Statistics, Causes, and Cures


When people think about eating disorders, they typically ask the same questions. “How come they hate food?” or, “Puking after every meal? No way!” Right from the start, it should be said that eating disorders aren’t actually about food, but are really control-related. Most of those suffering from eating disorders also suffer from control [...]

Eating Disorders Statistics, Causes, and Cures2024-11-26T12:07:35+00:00

Stages of Spiritual Development: A Growth Plan for Women


This article is a review of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ book, Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free. This book is a great tool that helps women better understand the stages of spiritual development that we go through as we embark on our spiritual journey. The basic tenets are that believing in Satan’s [...]

Stages of Spiritual Development: A Growth Plan for Women2024-11-26T12:09:01+00:00

10 Most Common Types of Trauma


While nearly everyone experiences distressing or traumatic events at some point in his or her life, not everyone experiences what clinicians characterize as one of the types of trauma. Being bullied on the playground or making a major faux pas in public can be extremely difficult to get over, make no mistake. How one [...]

10 Most Common Types of Trauma2024-11-26T12:10:35+00:00

6 Types of Depression: Do You Have One of Them?


Depression is complicated; it can be present in someone’s life for months or even years, gradually getting worse before anyone figures out what’s wrong. According to studies, millions of people will suffer from a depressive disorder this year. What’s unfortunate is that out of all these suffers, fewer than a third of them will [...]

6 Types of Depression: Do You Have One of Them?2024-11-26T12:10:48+00:00
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