When you’ve been together with someone for a while, you enter into set rhythms that you probably don’t even have to consciously think about. Rhythms and certain fixtures in your life are great because they create a safe space amid an ever-shifting world. In a romantic relationship, this means stability and being secure enough to be vulnerable. One helpful rhythm to inject into a relationship is to have date night. Here are some date night ideas to add a little creativity and spontaneity to your relationship.

Going out with your significant other creates space for you to connect, which is vital in a relationship. Life is way too busy to not carve out regular time to simply be with each other. A regular date night also communicates that you are prioritizing each other, and having fun together cements your bond.

Some fun date night ideas for your next date

A date night doesn’t have to be super fancy or expensive for it to be special. Often, simply being thoughtful and planning ahead a little will go a long way. There’s nothing wrong with having the old faithful ideas that work well for you as a couple but don’t discount a bit of variety, either. The key thing is intentionality, which may mean that you plan each date instead of having a standard go-to each week.

When planning a date night, choose activities that you both enjoy, and that will allow you to connect and share pieces of yourself. That will vary for each couple. Below are some ideas to try out:

  • Go for a walk, drive, or bike ride along a scenic route.
  • Go and visit some of the spots you used to go to when you first met.
  • Have an indoor picnic with all your favorite foods. You could even have a theme, like a dessert-only picnic, or if you have a favorite movie together, having food from that movie.
  • Try out a new restaurant or food truck. It just might be your new favorite joint.
  • Set up a projector in the backyard or on the roof of your building if you live in an apartment. Watch a movie together under the stars.
  • Go to a comedy show, poetry night, or variety performance.
  • Make dinner and try out a new recipe or cuisine together.
  • Take out a treasured photo album or scrapbook and walk down memory lane.

Couples counseling: A good investment

You and your partner may be going through a rough patch, and your date nights aren’t creating the space you need to connect. That’s okay. Sometimes the best way forward is to take a step back and work on the basics.

Couples counseling works for different kinds of couples who find themselves in different seasons of life. Sometimes you just need a safe space to check in with each other. Other times there may be some serious issues that need ironing out and require the guidance of a relationship professional.

Your counselor can help you unpack the dynamics in your relationship so that you understand the patterns at work in the background. They can help you listen well to each other, explore your needs and concerns, and cultivate healthy ways to communicate those needs. Additionally, your counselor can help you learn how to handle conflict in a healthy manner and develop habits that support your relationship’s health.

Whatever season your relationship is in, you can reach out today and make an appointment to see a couples counselor who will help strengthen your connection and provide you with tools to build a healthy relationship.

“Helping Hand”, Courtesy of Amber Kipp, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Beach Picnic”, Courtesy of Getty Images, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License


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