Many vices afflict the human soul, and it’s no surprise that the adversary uses them to set us in conflict with our eternal purpose. The power of addiction and the practice of substance abuse are not exempt from this, as they afflict many of us who have placed faith in Christ, but still wrestle with this issue (Romans 7:24-25).

Most of us don’t become entangled with addiction because we intend to harm our bodies, strain our relationships, or sabotage our lives. We have misplaced our hope for comfort and peace in the false promise that addictive substances offer, but fail to deliver. Whether we have already asserted that we are ready to begin a sobriety journey or vacillate between relapse and remaining clean, we can find true comfort and courage for sobriety in the Lord.

God knows the parts of us that are unseen, though we may try to hide them from Him or ourselves. We can take the first steps toward relief and recovery by baring the raw parts of our souls to Jesus. As our Savior, Healer, and Deliverer, He desires to meet us where we are with compassion, not where we pretend to be.

Christ rescues us from what we cannot escape on our own. He helps us to live and walk free, by His holy power and the practical supports and strategies that help us to overcome substance abuse and the lure of addiction (Romans 8:1-2; John 8:32).

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. – 1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV

Acknowledge God.

We need the Holy Spirit’s help to do what we can’t do on our own. The Father is the One who formed this flesh and recognizes how weak it can be (Matthew 26:40-43). This is why Jesus came to be the Champion humanity needed, not only to remit our sins but also to mend our soul wounds with His anointing.

Our Lord is fully aware of the circumstances that led us to be encumbered by substance abuse and unable to escape the clutches of addiction. As our sufficiency and strength, He has provided solutions and a route of escape through Himself as the Way, so we don’t have to remain imprisoned by the pull of addiction and substance abuse (John 14:6; 1 Corinthians 10:13).

Believe in yourself.

You don’t have to surrender to the voice of shame about being unable to overcome addiction or substance abuse on your own. Instead, choose to celebrate the power of Jesus Christ that is sufficient to answer and overpower the call and craving of addiction. Through His love, you are more than a conqueror, equipped to walk triumphantly over every force, no matter how formidable.

You are not your own enemy, but there is one who would cause you to focus more on your weakness than the strength of the King of Kings within you. Turn your eyes on Jesus and your ears to His Word, coaching and transforming you through the dark parts of your journey with His Light to guide you.


Having a supportive community is one of the most powerful principles that helps us to achieve anything. Although God Himself is all-sufficient and requires nothing and no one, He models for us what it looks like to abide in fellowship as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He created us to dwell and grow interdependently through life-giving relationships.

Our support networks may be composed of people who are at different places in their recovery journey with various needs. We are united, depending and drawing on the Holy Spirit to supply what only God can and often does, through connection.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13, NASB2020

Next steps to overcome substance abuse.

Defeating the works of darkness isn’t done by your willpower, but rather by God’s power in and through you. As you purpose in your heart to come out of the shadows of substance abuse, gather resources on this site and schedule an appointment now. Even if you are embattled in substance abuse, you do not have to wallow in addiction.

Hope and help are here for you, in the power of Christ, but also in professional counselors at Culver City Christian Counseling in California. Your counselor’s empathy and sound approaches will guide you through the next steps of overcoming the power of addiction and substance abuse.

“Chain”, Courtesy of Aida L.,, CC0 License; “Chain and Lock”, Courtesy of Sandy Millar,, CC0 License; “Dangling Chain”, Courtesy of Elisa Stone,, CC0 License


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