Professional Guidance for Men’s Issues in Culver City

Men who intend to live godly every day often find that, in spite of their good intentions, godly living is no easy walk in the park. Men are assaulted regularly by any number of pressures and temptations. There are work stresses, family struggles, and the strong pull of the world. Even when a man is not in crisis mode, being a loving husband and leading a family call for intentionality and wisdom.

Whatever uniquely male problems which may be facing you, we are trained and experienced professional counselors, ready to meet and work with you. In spite of the fears and stereotypes that some attach to counseling, we believe that men who do something about getting help are to be commended. And if you’re not yet married, but trying to discern whether you would like to be, or if you’re asking yourself if your current partner is “the one,” you may find yourself in need of experienced counsel.

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Men’s Counseling At Culver City Christian Counseling

Men have problems. Men carry scars from broken relationships. Men can’t manage anger. Men live with stresses from past trauma. Men are caught up in pornography. Men are alcoholics. Men are slaves to addictions. Not all men have all of these problems, but no matter what your particular struggle(s) might be, Culver City Christian Counseling brings Christ-centered expertise to help you in overcoming the issues you face.

Culver City Christian Counseling offers:

  • Dignity – Admitting to having a problem you cannot fix on your own and then asking for help calls for great courage on your part. We applaud your choice. We stand with you in the counseling process. In the right sense of the phrase, we have your back. We want you to be able to speak openly and freely about your hopes and dreams, as well as your struggles and fears.

  • Tools – We are trained and experienced in how to apply “tools” and methods which can be tailored for your use. We are committed to your success in making real, positive change that lasts.

  • Experience – Culver City Christian Counseling has earned trust as one of the most experienced and effective Christian counseling organizations in California. We have been privileged to help many men successfully conquer a variety of personal challenges (including some of the darkest) and build happier and more fulfilled lives.

  • Faith-based solutions – Our counseling for men engages dynamics beyond those employed by secular counseling. Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, men find success where other approaches have fallen short. Our desire, based on the wisdom Christ gives, is to guide you to becoming a man who is learning to live by faith in God. It’s a goal that reaches beyond simply being a good man.

If facing up to your problems, if admitting you need help seems too risky, it may be helpful to know that we have seen that those who come to God, humble and ready to learn to trust, will find the help they need. Culver City Christian Counseling gives effective help for men who want to follow Christ and become the men that God wants them to be

Case Study:

Before seeking us out, Shaun had begged his wife to give him “one more chance.” He didn’t know how to be a good husband and father. Though he had always pushed back at the idea of counseling, Shaun finally chose to enter into counseling if his wife would commit to granting him one more chance. She did agree and Shaun set an appointment. He was reluctant to completely buy into Christian counseling at first. The realization that the counselor was human, too, a man who carried his own battle scars, allowed Shaun to settle into the counseling process. He was now on a pathway to discovery and healing.

If, like Shaun, you are uncomfortable with the idea of Christian counseling, you are not alone. Research shows that women are much more likely to pursue counseling than men. Men often avoid asking for help until a situation reaches an absolute crisis point. Many men learn from a young age to hide their emotions while trying to solve their problems on their own. It is a common fear that displays of emotion imply weakness of character. Sadly, the very reasons men resist seeking out counseling is often the very reasons that they need it.

Christian counseling for men addresses critical areas of life for spiritual as well as practical improvement. By learning to identify and articulate your emotions and problems, you will learn more about who you are, who God wants you to become, and how to communicate your needs in a healthy way.

The Kinds Of Problems Tackled By Christian Counseling For Men

The following is a list of some of the most common reasons men seek help:

Anxiety and Depression

Do you live with worry or fear that won’t go away? Are you often listless, having trouble maintaining focus, or feeling down most of the time? If these symptoms describe your daily existence, you may have major anxiety or depression, two common problems for men that are also commonly neglected.

Prolonged, these two problems can eat your life away. Getting help is critical for living free from the control of these conditions. We can help you dig out the root causes of these problems.


Some men are angry all the time. When disappointment, hopelessness, frustration, self-loathing, or alienation arise, it is the habit of many to get angry, rather than deal with the root problems.

Unmanaged anger creates problems at work and damages relationships at home. It can even lead to legal trouble.

If you need help, Christian counseling for anger can teach you how to put anger in its rightful perspective and understand something of the dynamics of your anger. You can learn a better way to live, keeping your anger under control, no longer being mastered by anger.

Pornography and Sexual Addiction

American society is “sexualized.” Sex is used and portrayed everywhere, magnified on billboards, used in magazine ads, printed on t-shirts to sell more of them. And now, it’s easily (and “privately”) available on our phones, tv’s, and laptops.Every day, you can view suggestive ads or hard-core pornography.

The consequences of this addiction can be very serious, mentally, emotionally, personally, relationally, and even legally. If porn has you, if it is controlling your life, take the first step toward breaking free by contacting Culver City Christian Counseling.

Integrity and Servant Leadership

Do you know what it means to be a man of God? Do honor, personal integrity, and godly leadership have any place in your thinking and living?Through counseling, you can gain a greater understanding of these concepts and find out how to be the man Christ wants you to become. Biblical leadership involves attitudes of service and sacrifice at home, church, or at work. A leader takes the first steps: to serve, to forgive, to love, and to repent.

Chemical Addiction

Chemical addiction is a form of slavery. It controls both mind and body and draws you into dark places, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The road to recovery to break free of addiction to alcohol or drugs is often prolonged and difficult, even painful. We at Culver City Christian Counseling will be in it with you every step of the way. Together we’ll construct and use a customized approach. We will show you how to gain strength for the journey by learning to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Marriage and Family
If, in spite of your best efforts, you believe that you really don’t understand women, children, or even yourself. You may find that parenthood adds to your stress. If you know that you struggle with the relationship, finding it all too stressful, we urge you to seek help. Christian counseling for men will show you what the Bible says about relationships and family. We will help you pick up the tools to improve whatever relationship or parenting issues you face. And, when necessary, we even offer divorce counseling.

Crisis and Trauma Counseling

Every man, prominent or unknown, outgoing or introverted, younger or older, is vulnerable to trauma. Christian counseling for men can make a difference for those who are with problems growing out of traumatic experiences (past verbal, sexual, or physical abuse, neglect, significant loss, etc.). If the after-effects of trauma hold you back from realizing a peaceful productive life, please sit down with us to discuss this. We’d like to point you toward healing.

Work and Career Coaching

If you are at a point of being unfulfilled in your job or are lacking any kind of guiding vision for your life, Christian counseling for men has something positive to offer you. We can guide you in your career path to getting passion and purpose back into your work and your life. You can care for your wife and family as the man learning to live out God’s design.

Spiritual Development

A Christian man often feels that the world, including the Church, expects perfection. We’re supposed to have all the answers and to have our lives altogether. The truth is that Christians experience life’s hardships, doubt, and temptation, simply because we live in this broken world. Your church may provide groups for spiritual formation. Christian counseling for men also offers you, as a man, regular opportunities to discuss and learn about faith with others who are at various stages of spiritual development.

Christian counseling aims beyond fixing your problems. We not only strive to provide treatment but also to offer guidance to those seeking spiritual healing which leads to becoming more like Christ. In a world that has set itself against God, there is a great benefit to be gained from finding support from others who have experience in conquering sin through faith in Christ Jesus.

Continuing the case study from earlier on this page, Christian counseling opened Shaun’s eyes to major life changes that were needed.By applying the counseling and the tools that were provided, Shaun was able to find healing for wounds from his past that had fueled his alcoholism.He learned how to become the husband and father God intended him to be. In the process, a passion for serving God was born. Shaun felt like a real man, a first for him. Although he grew in confidence, he also developed genuine humility and Christian love. He gained spiritual strength to stand up against the world that threatened to destroy him.

At Culver City Christian Counseling, we help you heal, grow, and thrive in every aspect of your life by assisting you in building a strong relationship of faith and trust in God.

We know from our training and real-life experience the pressures you are likely to experience as a Christian man. We also know that Jesus Christ is our ultimate source for answers.We embrace the statement of one of His disciples when asked if he wanted to leave: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).We are ready to share our own enthusiasm, personal and counseling experience, and knowledge with anyone wrestling “in the dark” with sin. Culver City Christian Counseling exists to give you the greater picture of God and the life for which He saves you, and to provide tools for living that healthy Christian life.


Culver City Christian Counseling staff includes both male and female counselors for men. We invite you to read our counseling staff profiles to find a person with whom you would choose to begin.

How much time may be required is determined on your particular needs, your level of commitment to the plan of treatment, and other factors.

How many and what kinds of groups hosted by Culver City Christian Counseling changes, based on the availability of qualified leaders and client requests.

We understand the ups and downs of the teen years.We are ready to help male teens. Please call us.

Contact us today to find out more

If you are ready to set out on your journey on the road to becoming the man that God calls to become, He will provide the gifts and strength you need. We will serve as your guides. To set up a risk-free first session, call us at (949) 386-7179 or contact us online.

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