
How to Recognize and Prevent Family Caregiver Burnout


Family caregiver burnout is when the long-term stress of caring for your elderly, ailing, or disabled loved one leads to a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. It is a gradual process that escalates over time and can happen to anyone, no matter how much you love the person you are caring [...]

How to Recognize and Prevent Family Caregiver Burnout2024-12-10T09:40:35+00:00

OCD Anxiety: The Second Stage in the OCD Cycle


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes repeated thoughts or obsessions and actions or compulsions. Some people have both obsessions and compulsions. This disorder goes beyond nail biting or negative thought processes. OCD is a disorder that is just as compulsive as it is obsessive. The repeated behaviors often [...]

OCD Anxiety: The Second Stage in the OCD Cycle2024-11-05T06:32:06+00:00

What Does Abandonment Look Like After Decades of Marriage?


According to marriage research spanning decades, abandonment after years of marriage does happen. But what does that look like, and how do you know if you are abandoning your spouse or vice versa? This article will help you identify whether you or your spouse is experiencing symptoms of abandonment in marriage. The good news [...]

What Does Abandonment Look Like After Decades of Marriage?2024-10-28T19:37:56+00:00

Is Laughter Important in Your Wellness?


When people think about their mental health and wellness, they often consider things like counseling, sleep, exercise, and medical treatment. Even things like healthy relationship boundaries and work limits are considered. One thing people can overlook, however, is the importance of joy and laughter in your life. How Laughter Helps Your Wellness and Mental [...]

Is Laughter Important in Your Wellness?2024-10-29T10:25:37+00:00

Managing Stress with Healthy Eating


Stress affects us in many ways, but perhaps it is most felt in our bodies. When we are under immense pressure we feel it first in physical exhaustion, mental fatigue, or physical ailments, like high blood pressure, migraines, stomach ulcers, and a weakened immune system. One of the most effective ways of managing stress [...]

Managing Stress with Healthy Eating2024-10-29T10:17:16+00:00

Why Bullied Kids Need Anger Therapy


It is easy to assume that only the perpetrators of bullying may need to go through anger therapy. The truth that most parents fail to realize is that a child who has fallen victim to bullying might need professional anger management therapy as much or even more than the bully. Hurt people hurt people. [...]

Why Bullied Kids Need Anger Therapy2024-09-28T09:58:12+00:00

Self-Care Ideas for a Healthy Daily Routine


Taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do not only for yourself but for your loved ones. Think about it – when you take care of yourself, and that includes making sure you’re doing things basic to a daily routine like resting enough and eating healthy food, these things [...]

Self-Care Ideas for a Healthy Daily Routine2024-09-28T10:04:20+00:00

Surviving Infidelity: What it Takes


An act of unfaithfulness by a spouse brings devastation to a marriage. Surviving infidelity is often not possible, due to the breach of core trust and the pain that it brings. This is likely the reason why it is given as the only biblical grounds for divorce, as the searing hurt rips apart the [...]

Surviving Infidelity: What it Takes2024-09-28T10:04:03+00:00

Single Mom Help: “He Needs a Father Figure”


“He needs a father figure.” This may be the most dreaded comment a single mother can hear. Whether you’re a single mom or not, you may have heard something similar. Society portrays single mothers as weak and deserving of pity. This perception leads people to offer their unsolicited opinions and comments to single mothers. [...]

Single Mom Help: “He Needs a Father Figure”2024-09-28T09:57:46+00:00

4 Group Counseling Activities to Help Overcome Social Anxiety


Overcoming social anxiety through group counseling activities is effective. Social anxiety exists when a person exhibits fear related to social gatherings, such as fear of being judged, excessive worry about one’s appearance, or persistent distress that makes everyday social activities difficult. If you’ve been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, you may struggle with fear [...]

4 Group Counseling Activities to Help Overcome Social Anxiety2024-09-28T09:54:39+00:00
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